Tokyo Steel Launches Green Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets and Coils


Tokyo Steel Launches Green Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets and Coils


Tokyo Steel Launches Green Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets and Coils

Tokyo Steel, a prominent Japanese steel manufacturer, has announced the launch of environmentally friendly hot-rolled steel sheets (HRP) and coils (HRC). This initiative is in collaboration with the trading company Stemcor.

Product Details and Market Target

Tokyo Steel is marketing these green steel products to European Union (EU) customers under the brand name Enso. The company has been consistently supplying various types of HRC and HRP to the EU market on a monthly basis, catering to the increasing demand for low-carbon steel products.

The sales of these products have been supporting a wide range of downstream industries, including construction, manufacturing, and renewable energy production. According to Stemcor, European companies are increasingly seeking to secure cleaner basic materials as the full implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) approaches. CBAM is expected to be fully operational by January 2026.

Production Method and Future Plans

Tokyo Steel manufactures steel using electric arc furnaces, which are known for their lower carbon emissions compared to traditional blast furnaces. The company has ambitious plans to further reduce its carbon footprint by producing steel with ultra-low carbon emissions using 100% renewable energy by the end of 2024.

This strategic move by Tokyo Steel not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also positions the company as a key player in the green steel market, particularly as regulatory frameworks like CBAM drive demand for low-carbon steel solutions in Europe.

Introduction to Nam Kim Steel

Nam Kim Steel, also known as Ton Nam Kim, is a leading producer of galvanized steel in Vietnam. They provide high-quality steel products for various industries, ensuring durability and reliability. Their galvanized steel is widely used in construction and manufacturing, known for its excellent corrosion resistance and long-lasting performance. Nam Kim Steel continues to innovate and meet the demands of both domestic and international markets. For more information about our products and services, please contact us directly:

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